How to Take Board Meeting Minutes

Board meeting minutes are official records of decisions, issues, and discussions that took place during a meeting of the board of directors. They make sure that everyone is aware of what happened, who spoke and how the vote was taken. They can also be used as an legal document for future reference.

It’s not a requirement, but having a board secretary who is dedicated to the task will make it easier to take minutes and publish them. They can focus on listening to the discussion and taking notes on important points without having to interrupt. Furthermore, having a dedicated note-taker in each meeting can help ensure a systematic, consistent method of conducting the meeting. The use of audio recordings can also help to eliminate any discrepancies between minutes and the actual events during the meeting.

The first step in the meeting minute-taking procedure is to confirm that the board has a quorum members present at the meeting. Checking the attendance list against the board membership records will determine who was present. If a quorum cannot be met, then the chair can decide to adjourn or postpone the subject for a later time.

It is sufficient to note any items that were discussed in the meeting, however, it is not necessary to provide the full description. It is better to store all meeting materials in a secure board portal using solutions like Boardable. This way, meetings and other documents can be easily accessed whenever they are needed. This is particularly beneficial for board members who are new or those who were unable to attend the meeting.

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