Antivirus Review – Which Antivirus Software Should You Use?

If you’re looking Bonuses for an easy, comprehensive antivirus program to protect your devices and online activities, there aren’t a lot of better alternatives than Avast Free Antivirus. Its malware detection rate is there with the best in our tests, and other features like password management as well as a file shredder and tune-up tools are also available. However, the program can consume memory and cause slowdowns when scanning large files or running programs.

Avast’s paid editions are more expensive, but they offer some great features like parental controls, and an excellent browser extension that helps you to protect your privacy. There’s also a good amount of cloud storage which is great to backup your files and creating an emergency restore point. There are a range of security suites available, starting with the entry level Antivirus Plus up to the top-of-the-line Total Security. There’s also a ransomware specific protection as well as Sandboxes that can be used to evaluate suspicious apps.

Kaspersky offers a different method to other antivirus programs that are premium because its products are in essence all versions of the same program. The major difference is that the larger suites have additional options, like a password manager and an in-built VPN. They also offer support for more devices, including basic subscriptions that provide protection for one computer and up to five computers at the top of the spectrum.

Sophos’ AV Home offers an adequate level of security for a reasonable price and the most recent version worked well in our test labs. It’s not as robust as other products however, its simple interface is suitable for beginner users. If you want more functionality then you can extend the home products to cover more than 10 devices.

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